Elegance in Motion

Elegance in Motion

New Collection coming in early 2023

Our upcoming Collection – Elegance in Motion will be coming out in early 2023. 

It will feature wire figures in a movable format highlighting the beauty and form of dance, pole, and the circus arts.

This collection started with a gift to one of my very special friends. She happens to do pole dancing and is very good at it. She’s beautiful to watch. And I wanted to celebrate her and her love of pole dance.

I also wanted to incorporate movement into the piece since it was an integral part of what she does and what pole is. She loved it

I got to thinking while watching my friend dance and watching my daughter discover and fall in love with the circus arts, that I wanted to develop more pieces in this collection. And this is how the Elegance in Motion Collection was born.

Watch for it!

Coming in the Spring of 2023.